11 How to Increase Followers on Instagram

How do I add followers on Instagram? - Instagram is one of the social media on the rise this year , it is proved by the increasing number of user Instagram significantly. An increasing number of social media users to share this photo exceeds the number of users of social media Twitter is a microblogging social media world.

11 Cara Menambah Followers di Instagram
Instagram - Image: www.sizlotech.com

Social media sharing Instagram photo is now on the acquisition of Facebook, so Instagram now become possessed Facebook. Social media photo sharing this one is quite popular among the younger generation of easy and age. In keeping with the trend, this time again a trend selfie picture or photograph yourself. Thanks to social media trends this selfie media sharing photos splashed fortunately, because each outcome resulting portrait will normally distributed to social media. And of course social media Instagram become the primary choice.

Because the longer a trend whose name selfie eventually many people who use the social media crowd Instagram photo sharing, including myself :). Increasingly Instagram users is increasing so there is a desire to separate from Instagram users add followers on Instagram.

Almost the same as the previous social media Twitter I have to say , that the followers of this show someone in social media fame. Similarly followers on Instagram, the more followers on Instagram, the more it is also evident popularity, the existence or well-known.Yes his name man there is a desire to be recognized a lot of people, or want to have fans.

Benefit Has Many Followers on Instagram

What are the benefits of having many followers on Instagram? Actually, when it comes to the benefits of having many followers only felt by people who have a lot of followers itself.But despite my followers on Instagram is not so much, I will explain a little benefit if it has a lot of followers on Instagram. This is from my point of view is narrow.

1. So Famous Social Media

Surely if we have a lot of followers that will be recognized by many people. Can be assumed if we have 50 thousand followers, indirectly we have been recognized by 50 thousand people. Especially if we have hundreds of thousands or millions of followers, we are known by hundreds or even millions of people. Approximately assuming simple as that.

2. Can Increase Revenue

This is from my point of view as the economy, the economy's known child will not be far from the money and money :) . Having a lot of followers on Instagram one can add revenue. How to increase revenue? Can dong, by doing business online in Instagram example if we have a lot of followers in account Instagram we can while selling or online business . Online business is also known as an online shop.

Assume if we have 10 thousand followers, let's say 50 percent of the 10 thousand to buy the products that we sell. The selling price of the product for example set a price of 100 thousand dollars. If calculated mathematically 5000 x 100,000 then we can earn 500 million dollars, half a billion coy.

As another example, I have a brother in college level Instagram account has followers and the followers diatas1000 he used to sell or shop online business . Investigate a investigate with more followers capital juniors 1000 I was able to get a turnover of 24 million dollars per month. Cool right .. And the money coy, not the leaves. If the calculated not too bad to add pocket money. Moreover, students, can cover the financial problems in the old date.

Not only that with many followers on Instagram we could be selebgram, aka celebrity in Instagram. Usually selebgram was often asked to be the ambassador of a particular product. Obviously if requested so ambassador will be paid pocket money from owners of the product. And it quite well. In addition to the above many more sources of revenue that could be obtained if it has a lot of followers on Instagram.

Cara Menambah Followers di Instagram
Illustration - Image: smartonlinesuccess.com

How To Increase Followers on Instagram

Apparently many benefits of having many followers on Instagram. then the question arises. How do I add followers on Instagram? Well it's certainly The question core.Based on my observations and experiences when mengguna Instagram social media there are several ways you can do that can increase followers on Instagram. Ie there are 11 How to Increase Followers on Instagram.

1. Uploading photos to Instagram Pamungkas

It's the way that I think is quite powerful. Using the final picture or best picture we have for uploaded to Instagram directly proportional to the increase in the number of followers on Instagram. Why is this so? Because people in social media that tend to like things that are unique, attractive and nice. They usually will ignore things casual.

By sebeb it. we recommend using a high-resolution camera that captured the better results. To be even better no one feels famous photo editing application.Because despite a mediocre face significant problems not a good picture. And people will like and if you like it is definitely follow us.

This incident never experienced by my girl friend when in high school or high school but now he is in college. Actually, if we see it in person there is nothing special about these girls, mediocre or even below normal. But when in the picture, the result is always a good portrait photograph. Because many who like the picture, finally followers increases, even followers increase exceeds followers Instagram account I have.

2. Always and Consistent Social Media Upload photos to Instagram

Well pretty or handsome capital ga quite coy. To compensate we must always upload photos, so at least once a day and do not forget to select a time that is approximately crowded online in Instagram. This strategy is quite powerful, even photos that we produce are not so good but only if consistent tetep followers can grow only in number.

As a reference, many celebrities accounts homeland which has Instagram account. Can easily be found, almost every time they upload a new photo even a little amount can reach thousands of photos. But the thousands of photos not only pictures of himself but mixed with another photo. Like the decor of the room, photos of food or drink, photos and images of other vehicles.

3. Relationship to Other Social Media

When have social media accounts Instagram helps if we connect Instagram account with an account other social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler , and others. The goal when we share the photos to other social media, of course, people will know if we have Instagram. Because we upload photos from Instagram.

This experience I feel alone, when I have photos uploaded to Instagram and I share to sosial other media. Although little, still there are some changes that occur with the number of my followers. Well this way also helps friends when having Instagram account.

4. Active and have an account on Other Social Media

When have social media accounts Instagram if you want to have a lot of followers, we are not enough to just have a social media accounts only. We also need other social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and other social media.

Especially Facebook, on Facebook we can have a lot of friends whose numbers could be thousands of people. So that the number that will be a great opportunity there are many people who follow us. Because Instagram has been held up, other Instagram users are also notified if we have Instagram account. So there will be the follow us.

For other social media how to include a link address or username Instagram on other social media. So when there are people who see us in social media profiles, they will be interested to see Instagram account that we have and follow.

5. Become Popular

It is not only popular artists or celebrities course, the usual or ordinary people like us can also become popular. A small example that can be taken such popular at school, in the classroom, campus, organization, office, in the village or the village. If we recognized a lot of people of course they are interested in finding out or follow us to be followers on Instagram account we have.

6. Have a lot of friends and contacts in the Real World

Have many friends in the real world can be directly proportional to the friends in cyberspace. Why have many friends in the real world can have add a follower? Here, we recognize people usually tend to seek to know about us. For example, when we have a close friend, they are usually the first follow us.

Can be assumed if we have a lot of friends or acquaintances many people, it is not likely they will be follow us. For example, we have friends or friends of 500 people, the 500 has the potential to become our followers. The more friends usually the more the follow. One more important thing, the selfless friend even sometimes when we do not follback they still follow our Instagram account.

7. Using the Appropriate Original Name

Ya kid who likes mengguna alay alay name or not his real name be careful, because the name affects the number of followers on Instagram. Usually people who have names that tracks also hard to find in Instagram. Moreover, Instagram is almost the same as Twitter that his account without mengguna name spaces.

So if you have a name that has two words for example Ahmad Affandi, this name on Instagram account will be merged into one. So if we mengguna with Instagram account name eg FandyCyankDia name. If you like this would make it difficult for people to find our account, we recommend using the account name corresponds to the name alone. If alay name as though it was the closest person, they will be difficult to recognize us by name Alay.

So the solution is simple, you should use the account name that matches the name that we own. If the name is already there that has not change too much, for example, adding enough of the numbers or letters only. Other solutions can also be used according to the Twitter account name that is easy to remember.

8. Do prestige to follow or follback

Ya got Instagram account sometimes there is a sense of pride for follow others.Even with the close friends were proud to follow, nah properties like this should be throw away. If the follow us a great opportunity for in follback, there is no harm if we follow others.

9. Active Commenting on the photos in the Upload

Well this is also effective measures to increase the number of our followers. How to? The trick when there are friends who are diligent upload photos only comment there. Because when commenting course our comments will be seen by the followers of our friends, so indirectly through the comments we can promote our account for free of charge.

Not only the shape of the course, for example, when we have a relative or friend, when it will usually appear follow photos they upload. When the picture appears to ask follback directly. Or also can comment directly on their profile.

10.      Installing Hashtag in the in Upload Photos

By installing this hashtag will simplify the system for classifying Instagram photo category.For example, the image is a photo when we were in Bromo, do not forget to use the hashtag Bromo or other hashtag. With this we will be joined by a photo that has the same hashtag. Because when using the same hashtag, it will be easier for people to find us and category or the same hobby.

We upload a photo with the hashtag Bromo, could be with the hashtag people who have the same hobby for example hobby of traveling will follow us. Not only was I when people do a search on Instagram using the word Bromo, then Instagram photos we are likely to emerge. This is also done by many online businesses in Instagram in selling their products.

11.      Do prestige Giving Like

Diligent love the photos that appear on Instagram, any picture up. Usually people would be happy if the picture is preferred so that they do not hesitate to follow or folback us. Almost the same when we upload a picture and a lot of people who love it, of course we will be happy instead.
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