The Easy Steps To Gain Weight

Gain weight, it must be very identical with those who have less proportional body, in quotation marks them whose body kurus.hehe
Indeed, for those who want a lean dangatlah ideal body or proportional, especially for those who are still in their teens. Surely they would be less self confidence with their bodies because many people say that skinny identical with that many people thought or difficult.
And with a thin body, one would assume that the person is unhealthy and lazy or unable to work hard, despite the fact that not 100% like it.
For those of you who have less than ideal body or thin, you do not feel or minded skinny indeed innate and can not be changed anymore. If you think like that it means you are wrong, given that fat is the body is getting enough fat, protein, and carbohydrates.
Indeed, lean and fat inborn there. But do not rule out the thin people fat. In this case, only those who have an innate body fat will easily become obese with a slight increase their diet. But for those who have thin body by default, sometimes it takes effort gut to get the ideal body or even body fat.
Here I will share how to gain weight instantly. With your record should be routine and not broken spirit. :)

The first step
Often you exercise. In this case you can go to the gym. With fitness routine you will often feel hungry and thirsty. There you should not miss the opportunity to eat and drink plenty of water. For meals you can taste it, which is more often you eat, the diet at least 4 times or more a day (morning, noon, 1 hour before fitness, 1 hour after fitness). With the more often you eat your body will get the intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates than usual.

The second step
Look for the most milk contains protein, fat and carbohydrates are high. I do not recommend specific milk, here my friend use full cream milk Dancow. With frequent consumption of milk your body you besides get more intake of food, will also be helped by the milk intake. How to drink milk that is approximately 3 times a day (morning, afternoon before lunch / h 10 and drink after your fitness / sports).

The third step
This step may be less than you wish, but this is very quick to help you gain weight. Namely by making juice with egg white material mixed with ripe bananas. Remember! Only the egg whites only and is ripe yes. You can buy in retail market. With a dose to make juice 2 egg whites mixed with 1 ripe banana fruit. If you exercise or fitness evening you can make and drink it after lunch or around 3 pm and at night before bed.
However, although it was very nice, you should know that you do too often make and drink if you are not exercising. Because it may cause itching - itching and also not too good for the eyes if not offset by perspiration.

The fourth step
If you frequently or like snacking, look for food or snacks derived from corn, beans - beans or anything that contains a lot of protein, carbohydrates and fat.

Perhaps the steps - steps above sufficient to increase your weight instantly. This has been experienced by my friend who was having weight 50kg height 170cm Where the size of the person can be said to be less than ideal. After 1 month of him through the above process he could reach 58kg body weight. The results are very encouraging not?

Note that the steps - steps above you do regularly yes ..... 
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